Example: Add RAN number in VA05 report Adding fields in Selection screen: Use enhancement spot in program "SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW". enhancement - point sd_sales_document_view_ep_int1 spots es_sd_sales_document_view . *$*$-Start: SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW_EP_INT1---------------$*$* ENHANCEMENT 1 ZENH . "active version selection-screen begin of block sch1 with frame title text - SCH . select-options : skannr for vbap - kannr . selection-screen end of block sch1 . ENDENHANCEMENT . Selection parameter into select list enhancement - point sd_sales_document_view_ep_int2 spots es_sd_sales_document_view . *$*$-Start: SD_SALES_DOCUMENT_VIEW_EP_INT2--------------$*$* ENHANCEMENT 2 ZENH . "active version *INSERT LINES OF skan...
In old classical legder SAP provided GLT0 table for totals. In new GL SAP provided FAGLFLEXT table for totals. In S/4 HANA SAP has provided ACDOCT view for totals. (ACDOCT_BCK is a table). ACDOCT is a CDS view not a table. This view will be useful to find out totals per period and with some standard fields. This can be used in Report writer/painter also. But in S/4 Hana SAP not suggesting to use Report Writer/Painter tool. Most of the times SAP customers enhance Accounting document with custom fields. So custom fields can be added into ACDOCA table but it will not added to ACDOCT (Since it is view). what if customer needs total values including custom fields what to do then ? For this purpose either extend ACDOCT view or write sum logic using ACDOCA table. Writing logic with ACDOCA in each program means need to repeat same code many programs and also it is not code-pushdown approach. So better solution is either extend ACDOCT CDS view or create custom CDS view like ACDOCT. ...
Scenario: When a existing program is going to change in non-development system Solution: This message occurs when developer changing program in non-development system or where the program is not developed originally in that sytem or the system is copy of another system. Since the original program is not developed in the current system you will see this message. This can be removing by changing the original development system of the program. 1. Go totransaction code "SE03" 2.Click on "Change Object Directory Entries" 3. Give the object name choose check box the type of object and the execute 4. choose your program name and double click on that. 5. Change the Orginial system name to the current system name
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